The materials, modalities and tools provided by Marna Currie are intended to facilitate clients and prospective clients to help themselves. Marna Currie is not a mental health care professional or medical doctor. The information on this website is to inspire and educate and any session purchases, workshops or consultations are done so with the client taking responsibility for themselves. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)and Matrix Reimprinting (MR) is considered an experimental self-help tool and the information on this site is of a general nature. The content of this site and any sessions, workshops or consultations with Marna Currie are not guarantees of any kind. The information herein and EFT/MR, Reflexology, or Yogalates (all modalities) are not a substitute for counselling or advice of a medical nature. You are strongly encouraged to discuss the use of any modalities Marna Currie offers with your therapist and/or physician. Marna Currie does not guarantee the validity or usefulness of any of the materials, modalities, tools or outside links. EFT, Reflexology or Yogalates sessions, workshops or consultations do not represent diagnosing, treating, or preventing any medical or psychological condition.